Friday, February 17, 2017

White Mountains

White Mountains

My family has this tradition of going camping in the White Mountains, NH every summer. These were taken summer of 2015. One year later from a tragic accident (that is alright now) and a memorable trip. We have traditions up in the White Mountains. We set up the tent, go grocery shopping, make a family dinner by the fire, then the next day is July 4th and we celebrate in town at Zeb's general store and candy shop and then walking over to Ben and Jerry's before the fireworks begin, etc etc. Aside from all the fun in the woods or in town, it's the fact that getting away from real life, problems, social media, and all the fun stuff is what makes the trip that more enjoyable. I couldn't use my phone service even if I wanted service. Once a year. Every year. 

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Salem 15

Salem 15

My good friend, Erin, and I drove down over to Salem in October (mind you these sets are from 2015...I can safely say I'm a slacker.) When we first got to Salem, MA, we walked into this empty, creepy laundry mat. From there the spooks started one by one. We went to Count Orlok's Nightmare Gallery, walked around by the grave yard, shopped around trinkets and things, looked around for the little witch statue, and then ended up getting lost around a creepy forest close by. 

(Editor's note: Sorry for this overdue post. I'm working on it...)

Baby Steps

Hi! Anyone who is out there reading this! What I called a "slump" turned into a hiatus with taking pictures, editing, posting,...etc. I have so many photos ready to post, so stay tuned. 

I think I'm also going to stop titling my photos. Don't get me wrong, I loved giving them individual titles, but it was too time consuming for me. Maybe down the line I'll start that back up. For now, I'm focusing on posting more often and maybe bringing my camera everywhere I go? ....Baby steps.