Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Birthday Boy

No Peeking
A Surprised and Happy Guy
(The Birthday Boy)

Birthday Boy

A few days early, but I surprised Jon after our dinner at Jack's Abbey. I ran inside to grab my camera and a blindfold (a bandana in this case). Hopefully he didn't peek under the blindfold (bandana) when I set the cupcakes in front of  him.  He tried to guess what it was and was feeling around and I suggested that that's not a good idea (he almost smudged the bloody cupcakes!) He takes off the blindfold (bandana) and his smile grew and grew across his face.  GORE-CAKES! For the lover of all things horror, spooky, scary/birthday boy himself!! Happy 22nd Birthday, Jon. 
I love you and watching you grow day by day never ceases to amaze me. 

Jericho Lake

Good Morning
I Can-Knot Believe This View
Not Up
Nature/Natural (me)

Daisy Daisy
Cotton Candy Moon
Bunched Up
We Found Our Way

Jericho Lake

Four sleeping bags, my flannel, my family, and my camera....
We're all off to Jericho State Park in NH for 4 days and 3 nights for Father's day. 
The whole family in one tiny cabin for 4 days...honestly, it was bearable even between the snoring and sleep talking. Our view just from opening our front door in the cabin was breathtaking. I couldn't wait to wake up to that for a few morning. This trip was filled with exploring the woods, trails, waterfalls and many back and forth trips for necessities at Wal-mart. To the first and #1 man in my life....Thank you for sharing your love for nature and camping in general with me. I love you, Dad. Hope your Father's Day was filled with nothing but relaxing (except for when we needed you to start the fire for us.)